Got to make it out to Park City last week to get some pushes in on the Push Track.
Worked on switching sides on my push to the left and that felt a lot smoother! They were about 60-70% pushes, focusing on the smoothness and loading with my left leg as opposed to my right leg from the other side.
Decided to go for a deadlift PR yesterday after my sprint/plyo workout. Broke the 400 mark and hit 405lbs. Tried to bump it up to 425lbs next but couldn't finish the rep. That's the next goal though!!
My best timed push with timing eyes from back in the fall at the Park City push track. Tried focusing more on form that flat out speed, still got a 5.31. Hoping to get some pushes in the ice house in Lake Placid this summer/fall!
Timed with timing eyes with the 1-meter "start box" with my heal on the line at the start. Ran a 4.62. Sorry for the bad quality/angle, I did not have anyone to film me today and there was a football game on the turf field so I could not get a good angle. I plan on running a 40 yard dash each day and will definitely have better angles to see the start and first 10 yards.
Had a nice speed training session today! A relatively light lift before this and also tried another 40 yard dash time (new PR of 4.85!!) - slowly bringing that number further and further down! After all of that, I did 10 reps of 50 yard sprints with the parachutes, walking back to the start is the rest (+2 minutes rest after the 5th rep). These were the last 3!
Hit a new PR for my Quarter Squats! hit 445lbs 2 times but failed on the 455lb attempt. My goal is to hit 3x my body weight which would be 495lbs, I'm not so far off!
Practiced some 3-point starts after a heavy lift in the morning and a running workout just before this. Could have stayed a bit lower for longer but good progress!
Another PR for the leg press today done right before my Plyo workout. Sets of 608x5, 708x5, 808x3, and 808x3. If I strictly went for a 1RM I think I could get closer to 900 lbs.
PR for the leg press this morning. ROM wasn’t the greatest, the angles on the machine make it a bit tougher for taller people than some other ones I’ve used. Sets were 478x8, 568x5, 658x3, and 768x2
about 2 years ago
Season 4: USA Bobsled and Skeleton Digital Combine
Had to film it in a bit of a different way because the field was being used. This is my new Personal Best (4.85 seconds) after I had a little bit of a rest day but still lifted before this. I will keep grinding that time down slowly but surely!
Completed on a track surface with a slight headwind. Since I had to complete this on my own, I had to time it after the fact. Because of that, I timed it 6 separate times and took the average of the 6 to get the 1.67 seconds I submitted.
Time was about 3.18 (had to time it after the fact because I did not have someone there with me)
Since I didn’t have anyone with me, I had to place the camera further back so you could see everything. If I have a chance to get someone to film me, I will