Hey! My name is Marcus Morgan I’m 19 years old. I have a passion for both sports and cosmetics. This summer I worked as a freelance makeup artist, doing weddings and proms, and working on my social media presence. I played basically every sport under the sun growing up, but focused on taekwondo and gymnastics. I started playing volleyball in 14U with the Niagara Rapids. I stayed with that club until my 18u year, before signing to play post-secondary for the Humber College Hawks. I’m excited to see where my volleyball career is going to take me!
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Team Canada 2024 Men’s U21 Athlete ID // Identification des athlètes U21
3-2 Victory over the CCAA #6 Ranked Fanshaw Falcons. Marcus Morgan, was named the following; Player of the Game, OCAA Tournament All-Star, and OCAA Tournament MVP. #7 in Blue, Position - OPP. 21pts. 18 Kills.