02/12/2024 - Ongoing

Search for Greatness - SPARQ Scoring Combine


What is Search For Greatness + Introduce Yourself
Speed Test - 40 Yards
Instructions: 1. Cones A and B should be set up 40 yards apart in a straight line. 2. The time will begin once your hand leaves the ground and ends once... More
Agility Test - 5-10-5
Instructions: 1. All cones are set up 5 yards apart in a straight line (Cones B and C should be 10 yards apart). 2. The timer will begin once your hand... More
Power Test - Kneeling Power Ball Toss
Instructions: 1. With your toes aligned with the line, kneel down and throw a (3KG for Men or 2KG for Women) Power Ball. 2. Via video or with a partner... More
Power Test - Vertical Jump
Instructions: Static vertical jump from standing (do not step into it). Measure your starting “reach” standing flat foot and your final “reach” height... More