Scoring a free kick or utilizing it effectively can be the deciding factor in who wins a match. So even though they can be a rare occurrence, performing a free kick right can completely change the outcome of a match.
Here is how you can effectively perform a free kick like all the champions on screen.
Step 1: Perfect Your Run Up
When the referee sets up the free kick, it goes without saying that you should first decide where to hit the ball. Do you want to hit one of the top corners of the net? Or do you want to slide the ball the wall to hit one of the lower corners? After weighing all of your options, you should work on your run up.
Remember to always run up to the ball at an angle for the most power and precision. Whether you use your right or left foot, running up to the ball straight is rarely a good idea, as you might shoot it off axis.
Next, try to determine how far you should step back for the most power without sacrificing technique. Everyone runs up to the ball differently, so do what you feel is the most comfortable. The distance from the goal can also determine your run up, so be sure to consider that as well.
Step 2: Make Contact
Once you run up to the ball, you make contact with it by planting one foot to the ground first and then shooting with the other. An important thing to remember is that you can improve your aim by positioning the planted foot better. The planted foot should always aim in the direction you want the ball to go.
As for how you should kick the ball; you can choose between kicking from the laces or from the inside toe of your shoe. Many agree that kicking the ball with the inside toe of your shoe makes it very difficult to control. On the other hand, kicking from the laces offers more precision, but less power. You should also hit the ball just below the midline a little to the side.
For example, when Lionel Messi is making contact with the ball, he locks his ankle, shoots from the laces, and leans his entire body away from the ball to generate the most power.
Step 3: Follow through
When you make contact with the ball, it is important to follow through on the swing. You want to make sure that your foot doesn’t stop as soon as you hit the ball, as that can prohibit the ball from gaining your required altitude. Furthermore, by making your foot go through the ball, you are able to properly utilize the momentum generated from the run up.
Practice Makes Perfect
Simply implementing all of these techniques into your game plan is not enough for you to effectively score a goal. You also need to practice these principles regularly to solidify them, which can then help you score more consistently. Remember, with each kick, you are trying to find the right balance of power, accuracy, and precision.